
LAMB par satiksmes drošību

Lepojamies par Latvijas jauno satiksmes dalībnieku izlases uzvaru Parīzē

Šī gada 19.–22. septembrī Parīzē, Francijā norisinājās 37. Starptautiskās Automobiļu federācijas (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, FIA) Eiropas Jauno satiksmes dalībnieku sacensības. 17 komandu konkurencē no 16 valstīm Latvijas jauno satiksmes dalībnieku izlases dalībnieki uzrādīja lieliskus rezultātus visās disciplīnās un izcīnīja zelta godalgas un čempiona titulu. Par Eiropas vicečempioniem kļuva Serbijas jaunie velosipēdisti, bet bronzas medaļas ieguva komanda no Čehijas.

Championing children’s road safety at the 37th European Traffic Education Contest

24 September 2024


From 19 to 22 September, 68 children from across Europe gathered in Paris for the 37th European Traffic Education Contest (ETEC) kindly hosted by the French Cycling Federation (Fédération Française de Cyclotourisme, also known as FFVelo).

Participants came from 16 European countries after winning regional and national editions of the traffic education contest. Each team was composed of two girls and two boys aged between 10 to 12. They completed seven stations of activities which included practical stations such as cycling through obstacles and simulated traffic situations, as well as theoretical exercises that target cycling knowledge.

During the contest, a station was dedicated to this year’s road safety campaign on child safety in school zones. Children needed to complete a colouring sheet by adding adequate road safety measures such as traffic lights and zebra crossings based on their cycling experience.

The team from the Latvian Automotive Club (LAMB) emerged as this year’s ETEC winners. The team from the Auto Moto Association of Serbia (AMSS) came in second place and the team from the Central Automobile and Motorcycle Club of the Czech Republic (UAMK) won third place. Teams from these three countries received the highest scores throughout the various stations organized at the contest.

“Mobility is an important aspect of our everyday lives, and road safety requires the mutual respect of all road users – no matter their age. FFVelo is proud to have hosted the 37th edition of ETEC, championing young road safety ambassadors for safe and sustainable mobility,” said Martine Cano, FFVelo President.

“Congratulations to the winning teams and all the finalists for demonstrating their impressive cycling skills and knowledge of safe bike riding rules. Children and their parents should also feel safe riding their bikes, so it is great to see that cities such as Paris support cycling in their urban planning to make it safe and accessible,” said Rita Cuypers, Head of Partnerships at the FIA Foundation.

This year marked the French Cycling Federation’s centenary anniversary and coincided with the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, making it an extraordinary opportunity to have welcomed young participants and cyclists across Europe.

The contest has been ongoing since 1986 and was created with the aim to educate children of traffic risks and to reduce road accidents.

ETEC receives financial support from the FIA Foundation and the FIA Safe & Sustainable Mobility grants programme. For more information about ETEC, please visit this page.